In today?s world everything is about ?convenience? and ?instant? solutions. If you need clothes you can buy online, books with a 1-click option at Amazon, video on demand, laundry services to the door, instant coffee, instant messaging and the list goes on. Everything is about the ?instant? fix and it has become a great word for marketing any service. We have learned to expect everything in a matter of moments or minutes.
The new generation is learning, as we have to become ?impatient? and expect everything in life to happen ?instantly?, ?faster?, ?quicker? and ?better?. What we don?t realise is that we have become ?impatient? with everything and everyone including ourselves.
Be patient, Rome wasn?t built in a day!
This attitude towards life has led us to feel increased chaos within ourselves and in our interactions with the world. We feel the need to feel good ?now? and if we can?t, we?ll find a way to escape our reality with a night out or some form of distraction that keeps us from really experiencing life the way its meant to be.
Many of us set goals for ourselves and when we can?t find that instant fix, we feel lost, alone and sometimes even depressed. Some of us can?t sleep at night because our minds are trying to plan ways to make that ?instant? fix happen whether to solve a problem or achieve quick gratification. ?This is a self-inflicted feeling of helplessness and chaos. Who is the culprit? Your mind.
How long does gratification from an instant fix really last? It?s almost always, just fleeting. If we?d only allow ourselves to see that, we?d do things very differently. Some of us lose instant friends as fast as we make them. Others forget to appreciate their partners, when their needs are met easily and sometimes we forget to appreciate a good meal when the restaurant took that little bit longer to serve. This applies to almost everything in our lives.
Patience is a virtue but the rewards of this virtue are much greater than we let ourselves acknowledge or believe.
A friend of mine messaged me the other day asking, ?how do I discipline my mind?? It was a complex situation in her mind because she was quite eager to get it done quickly. I?m sure she was quite surprised when my response simply was ?Just refuse to listen to negative thoughts that?s how. It takes time, be patient.?
The solution was so simple that it took a while for her to understand it. I have been caught in this situation many times myself. Where I have been presented with a simple solution but my mind is only wired to process the complex. We have become so conditioned to accepting complexity as a reality that simplicity is no longer comprehendible.
How can it be so simple? Life really is simple but it?s how you choose to see it. If you believe that every desire, need, want or issue in your life can be sorted by a snap of your finger or buy purchasing a solution tailored for your problem, you will be disappointed time and time again.
We are ever changing creatures in every single way, in how we interact with the world, in the development of our personality, our beliefs, our behavior, our needs, wants and they way we communicate. We are constantly going through change.
To make the good changes in your life, one requires a great deal of patience. Patience with yourself, with others, with your environment, with work, with friends and the list goes on. To be a patient person, simplifies many situations in our lives that we perceive as complex. Rome wasn?t built in a day.
Don?t make life hard on yourself by allowing impatience to get the better of you. Practice patience. You can easily start by just paying more attention to the people around you whether a waiter, a janitor, a colleague, friend or family member. Be more patient with them and be more patient with yourself.
Sit down for a few minutes today and think about the complex situations in your life right now and think about the timelines you have set for yourself to resolve it. Are they unrealistic? Are they unyielding and difficult? Are they making you feel more pressured?
We always have the choice to make life easier on ourselves. So what will you choose, to be impatient and cause discomfort to yourself? Or to be patient and allow life to unfold with ease?
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Tags: Advice, Avoidance, Breaking Patterns, Changing Perspective, Empowered Thinking, Finding Your Freedom, freedom of thought, Impatience, Making a Shift, Patience, Releasing Patterns, Self Improvement, Self-Help, Spirituality, Stress, Time, Worrying
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